Giemsa stain is used as the standard stain for haematopoietic cell nuclei and platelets. The basic principle underlying the stain is that a basophilic or basic dye, methylene blue, is combined with eosinophilic acidic dyes, eosin, azure A and azure B - to create "neutral dyes" that demonstrate a wide variety of colours when used to stain haematopoietic cell nuclei and platelets. The creation of the "neutral dye" is the reason those stains are called polychromatic stains, or stains of many colours. A key step in these special staining techniques is to differentiate the stain using a weak acid solution.
Information on how to perform the technique is listed below.
1. Take sections to water
2. Stain in Giemsa solution - 60 minutes at 60°C
3. Rinse in water
4. Differentiate in 1% acetic acid until the section appears pink.
5. Dehydrate, clear and mount .
Nuclei |
Blue |
Neutrophil granules |
Pink |
Eosinophil granules |
Bright Red |
Basophil granuless |
Blue |
Red blood cells |
Pink |
Photo - Giemsa Stain
Modified Giemsa is the stain used in histology specifically for detection of for H.plylori. This is run on similar principals to that of the giemsa stain, except that it is more specific.
1. Take sections to water
2. Stain in Giemsa solution for 20 minutes at room temperature
3. Rinse in tap water
4. Quickly dehydrate, clear and mount
Helicobacter |
Dark Blue |
Background |
Pale blue |
Photo - x10 Modified Giemsa